How to Make a YouTube Shorts from Long Videos: The [Fastest and Easiest] Way 2024

video editing
video editing

Let's Dive Into YouTube Shorts

Understanding the Concept of YouTube Shorts

YouTube Shorts, as the name suggests, are short vertical videos that can last up to 60 seconds. Designed as YouTube’s response to popular short-form content on platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels, Shorts offer creators a fresh way to engage with their audience. These videos can be created, edited, and uploaded directly from your phone or desktop, making them a flexible content creation option.

Why Should You Create YouTube Shorts

Creating YouTube Shorts can provide numerous advantages for content creators. As short-form video content gains popularity among consumers, utilizing Shorts offers you the chance to capture your audience’s attention in brief, entertaining segments.

When done right, Shorts can engage your viewers, boost your reach, and increase views and followers on your YouTube channel. Importantly, the more your videos are watched, the better your YouTube algorithm treatment, pushing your videos to a larger audience. YouTube Shorts not only give you opportunities to reach new potential customers but also help in building a robust brand community on the platform.

Leveraging YouTube Shorts is a strategic move to gain an effective YouTube presence for your brand, especially given the rising trend towards easily-consumable video content.

So, whether you’re a novice or seasoned creator, YouTube Shorts can help turbocharge your channel’s growth and gain wider visibility.

Prepping for Your Short Video Journey

Deciding on a Brilliant Idea for Your Short Video

Deciding on a brilliant idea for your YouTube Short necessitates both creativity and strategy. Here are a few pointers to assist:

  1. Trend-following:Stay current with prevailing trends, challenges, or dance crazes, and tailor your video to fit them. Making content that is on-trend will likely increase its appeal to a broader audience.
  1. Educational Shorts:Share your knowledge or expertise in a condensed, easily understandable format. Instructional or how-to videos are popular on the platform, as they offer value to the audience.
  1. Deep-dive into Niche Topics:Explore specific topics of your niche that you know well. Unique and intriguing content will set you apart in the crowded field of YouTube Shorts.
  1. Repurposing Long-Form Content:Look at your previous long-form videos and identify segments that can stand alone as engaging short videos. This offers a low-effort way to create new content and reach new audiences.
  1. Experimentation:Lastly, don’t be afraid to try different concepts and experiment with your content. You never know what might resonate with your viewers until you try.

Remember, the ultimate goal is to create compelling, resonating shorts that command attention in just a few moments.

The Fastest and Simplest Way to Make YouTube Shorts

Downloading the Essential App

To create a YouTube Short, you first need to download the YouTube app. Here are the steps you should take to achieve your goal:

  1. Open your preferred app store (iOS App Store for Apple users, Google Play for Android users).
  1. Use the search bar to search for ‘YouTube’.
  1. Install the official YouTube app on your device.
  1. Open the app and log in using your Google account or a separate YouTube login.

Remember, you can only create YouTube Shorts natively within the YouTube app. This is to keep everything streamlined and efficient without having to download or sign up for multiple apps. The process is designed to be user-friendly and straightforward, perfect for both amateurs and experienced creators.

Once the app is installed and you’re logged in, you’re all set to start creating your YouTube Shorts.

Utilizing Effective Editing Tools for YouTube Shorts

Using effective editing tools can enhance the quality of your YouTube Shorts and result in higher viewer engagement. There are numerous tools available; here are a few noteworthy ones:

1. Adobe Premiere: Favored by many creators and professional video editors, Adobe Premiere gives you control over every facet of your video. It provides a wide array of features for comprehensive video editing but does come with a learning curve and potentially high cost.

2. Canva:A more affordable and beginner-friendly option, Canva offers basic video editing functionality. You can add text captions, background music, and even simple animations.

3. AI Video Editors:AI tools like Opus Clip or streamline video editing. These platforms can automatically identify key parts of your long-form content, making it quick and easy to produce engaging Shorts. This is especially ideal for beginners or creators aiming to produce high volume, high quality YouTube Shorts.

When choosing an editing tool, consider your budget, your technological proficiency, and the complexity of the edits you plan to make. The right tool can significantly impact your video quality and set your Shorts apart from the competition. This, in turn, can improve your Shorts performance and contribute to your channel’s growth. Regardless of the tool you choose, remember that the focus should be on presenting your idea as engagingly as possible.

Making YouTube Shorts out of Long Videos

Here is an easy step-by-step guide on how to make YouTube Shorts from your long videos:

Step 1: Opening the YouTube app is the first thing to do.

Step 2: Tap the ‘Library’ icon situated on the bottom right.

Step 3: Select ‘Your Videos’ from the list.

Step 4: Choose your long-form YouTube video that you want to convert into a Short.

Step 5: On the video screen, tap the ‘Create’ icon from the menu options provided.

Step 6: Select ‘Edit into a Short’ from the dropdown menu. A tool will then appear which you can use to clip your video into segments up to 60 seconds long.

Step 7: You can also add in filters, effects, and extra footage either from your camera roll or an imported video, ensuring the total video length doesn’t exceed 60 seconds.

Step 8: Review and edit your video until satisfied. When ready, hit ‘Next’ in the top right corner.

Step 9: Provide a captivating title and caption for the video. Select additional necessary settings before hitting ‘Upload Short’.

Repurposing long-form content into Shorts brings about new opportunities for your content to be discovered and saves you time and resources by maximizing the content you’ve already created.

Customizing your YouTube Shorts

Incorporating Creative Visuals and Sound to Bolster Impact

Whether with a trending sound, text, or other visuals, these additions can majorly boost the appeal of your YouTube Shorts. Here are few ways to incorporate them:

  1. Trending Sounds:Using trending or popular sounds or music gives your Shorts a competitive edge in the crowded field. Just ensure you have the rights or permissions for using copyrighted sounds.
  1. Music and Sound Effects:Background music can help set the tone of your video, and sound effects can accentuate your visuals. Be careful not to overwhelm your video with sounds and to maintain balance between audio and video.
  1. Visual Effects:High-quality creative effects can make your Shorts more visually appealing. These can be simple filters, animations, or transitions that add a spark to your video. For instance, Alex Hormozi is recognized for his distinct editing style that bolsters the impact of his shorts.
  1. Text and Captions:Text overlays or captions are essential in making your Shorts accessible and increasing watch time. They also help in better understanding of the content when watched with sound off.


Consider using professional editing software or applications that have these features. They can help you enhance your Shorts, increase your audience’s engagement, watch time, and replays, and potentially grow your channel’s visibility. Remember, you aim to re-hook your audience every 3-5 seconds in the duration of your Short. Be as creative and engaging as possible.


Using Texts and Captions in your YouTube Shorts

Using text and captions in your YouTube Shorts can significantly enhance user engagement and comprehension. You can take into account the following suggestions for doing so successfully:

Highlight Keypoints: Using text to point out the main points or highlights of your content can help viewers follow along and understand the video better. This method is especially useful in tutorials and explainer videos.

Add Humor or Commentary: If your content is comedic or relies on commentary, captions can help land your jokes and points. For example, you can use text to provide background information or to add witty quips.

Relay Information Visually: For viewers who watch with the sound off, captions are vital for conveying the information. This not only ensures accessibility but can also increase watch time and engagement.

To add text or captions in your YouTube Shorts;

  1.  Tap on the ‘Text’ button during the editing phase in the app.
  1. Type your text, then hit ‘Done.’
  1. Customize your text by choosing different fonts, colors, or sizes to fit your video’s aesthetic.

Remember, while texts and captions can enhance your Shorts, keep their use in moderation. Overloading your video with text can be distracting and counterproductive. Use them to enhance comprehension and engagement, not to overwhelm your viewers.

Mastering the Vertical Recording Format

Mastering the vertical recording format for YouTube Shorts is an essential skill in this new era of user-friendly mobile video content. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  1. Aspect Ratio and Resolution:Opt for a 9:16 aspect ratio and a resolution of 1920X1080 pixels, which is the sweet spot for vertical video on Shorts.
  1. Center Your Subject:When shooting video, make sure the subject or action stays in the center of the frame as much as possible. It helps in viewer retention and engagement.
  1. Use Less Horizontal Movement:Fast horizontal movements can seem awkward in vertical videos. If there’s motion involved, try to make it vertical (like an athlete jumping) or towards the camera.
  1. Remember the Rule of Thirds:Divide the frame into thirds both vertically and horizontally, then position your subject along those lines. This can keep the video interesting and aesthetically pleasing.
  1. Use Proper Lighting:Lighting becomes more critical in Shorts, as it can highlight or obscure important aspects of the frame. Natural, bright lighting is usually the most flattering.

Vertical format can be challenging initially, considering how ingrained the horizontal video format is. However, with a little practice and careful consideration to framing and composition, it can provide an immersive, mobile-friendly viewing experience that perfectly suits the Shorts platform.

To Sum Up

Mastering the skill of cutting long YouTube videos into interesting shorts opens up a world of opportunities for people who make content. Use our step-by-step guide to turn your longer videos into YouTube shorts and exploit the power of quickness and engagement. By using the unique features of shorts, you’ll not only get more views, but you’ll also keep them longer. Start making interesting shorts right now to keep your audience’s attention in the evolving landscape of YouTube content creation.

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